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1 June 2003 Phylogeny of the Bartramiaceae (Bryopsida) Based on Morphology and on rbcL, rps4, and trnL-trnF Sequence Data
Viivi Virtanen
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Parsimony analyses of 21 to 29 representatives of the family Bartramiaceae and of six outgroup taxa of Aulacomniaceae, Bryaceae, Plagiomniaceae, Meesiaceae, Rhizogoniaceae, and Timmiaceae were performed. Combined and separate analyses based on morphological data and three chloroplast loci (the genes rbcL and the rps4, and the trnL-trnF gene region) were carried out. Based on the combined analysis, the Bartramiaceae appear to be a monophyletic group including Anacolia, Bartramia, Breutelia, Conostomum, Fleischerobryum, Flowersia, Leiomela, Neosharpiella, Philonotis, and Plagiopus. The same result was also obtained from the analyses of rbcL and morphological data. Catoscopium is excluded from the family.

Viivi Virtanen "Phylogeny of the Bartramiaceae (Bryopsida) Based on Morphology and on rbcL, rps4, and trnL-trnF Sequence Data," The Bryologist 106(2), 280-296, (1 June 2003).[0280:POTBBB]2.0.CO;2
Received: 7 July 2000; Accepted: 1 December 2002; Published: 1 June 2003
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